
1月4日 Synthetic microwave diagnostics based on reduced models of plasma-wave interactions: recent progress and next steps

2024-01-02|【 【打印】【关闭】

  报告人:Valerian H. Hall-Chen



  线上链接:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/gFGdGBYfbSIo 腾讯会议号:517-358-677

  报告题目:Synthetic microwave diagnostics based on reduced models of plasma-wave interactions: recent progress and next steps

  摘要:Turbulent transport limits the performance of modern fusion devices. Understanding this turbulence is key to designing and optimising the next generation of fusion energy systems. However, direct quantitative comparison between gyrokinetic simulations and measurements of turbulence is challenging due to the spatial and temporal resolution required. Such comparison requires a model of plasma-wave interactions. Full-wave simulations of such interactions are computationally intensive. In this talk, we present how we have used beam tracing simulations, with the Scotty code, to interpret Doppler backscattering measurements of turbulence in DIII-D. We will then overview how our technique is being extended to other diagnostics, such as high-k scattering and radial correlation Doppler reflectometry. Finally, we will show preliminary comparisons of beam tracing with full-wave simulations.

  报告人简介:Valerian Hall-Chen is the Group Manager of the Plasma Physics & Energy Group at the Institute of High Performance Computing, where he leads a team of ten scientists and engineers in several fields. Dr Hall-Chen is also the main technical lead of the A*STAR Fusion Taskforce, which is planning A*STAR’s fusion research strategy. He completed a DPhil in Theoretical Physics from the University of Oxford under the supervision of Felix Parra and Jon Hillesheim. Dr Hall-Chen holds a BA in Natural Sciences (Physics) from the University of Cambridge.