

2014-10-09|【 【打印】【关闭】


  1、Recent main events in applied superconductivity in China, The Applied Superconductivity Conference, U.S.A., Chicago, Illinois, 17– 22, August,   2008 

  2、Design and Fabrication of the Active Feedback Control Coil for EAST, Fusion Engineer and Design,  Vol.83  2008:  p.766-770 

  3、Numerical Analysis on Neutron Shielding Structure of ITER Vacuum Vessel, Plasma Science and Technology,   Vol. 10, No.3,  Jun. 2008   p.1-6 

  4、GSI超导二级磁体的电磁分析,超导技术,Vol.36, No.3,2008:p.56-59 

  5、Design Analysis and R&D of the EAST In-Vessel Component, Plasma Science and Technology,  Vol. 10, No.3,  Jun. 2008   

  6、Risk Analysis and Optimization of Safe Operation for Advanced Superconducting Tokamak, 22nd International IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Switzerland, Geneva, 13-18,  October 2008 

  7、ITER 遥控运输车双密封门系统FMEA分析,机械设计与制造, 第11期,   2008 

  8、基于模块化设计的ITER真空室中子屏蔽结构组件数字化,机械设计与制造,第2期,  2008 

  9、EAST装置的磁探针设计,核聚变与等离子物理,第28卷, 第1期,  2008 

  10、EAST离子回旋加热天线传输线结构设计,核聚变与等离子体物理,   第28卷,第3期,  2008 

  11、Design and Analysis of the Thermal Shield of EAST Tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology,  Vol. 10, No.2,  2008   p.227-230 

  12、GSI加速器超导二级磁体的绝缘结构及其力学分析,超导技术,第36卷, 第3期,   2008:p.56-59 


  1、Design and test results for the PF power supply system of EAST, Fusion Science and Technology,   Vol.54 ,  2008  p.1003-1009 

  2、强磁场电源软开关DC/DC变换器的研究,电力电子技术,第42卷,第2期, 2008年  p.16-18 

  3、强磁场电源精密电压参考源的设计,电源技术,第24卷,第9-1期,  2008年  p.234-236 

  4、高电压强电磁干扰下的电压光纤传输,电子设计,第24卷,第5-2期,  2008年  p.273-275 

  5、ITER遥控运输车控制系统的研制 ,第十四届全国核电子学与核探测技术年会,7月,2008年 

  6、EAST纵场电源远程控制系统的设计,微计算机信息,第24卷,第4期,  2008年   p.9-11 

  7、EAST中性束注入电源系统的杂散电容,高电压技术  第34卷,第8期,  2008年  p.1662-1666 

  8、晶闸管整流器同步电压滤波研究,电力电子技术,第42卷,第2期, 2008年  p.14-15转83 

  9、数字控制有源功率因数校正器的设计,电力电子技术, 第42卷,第5期,   2008年  p.17-19 


  1、用于ITER的NbTi超导股线临界电流测试方法,核聚变与等离子体物理, 第28卷,第3期,   2008年  p.233-237 

  2、Magnetization of Multifilamentary Superconductor Nb3Sn in perpendicular field, Plasma Science and Technology,   Vol.10, No.6,   2008  p.748-753 

  3、Development of 5T NbTiSuperconducting Magnet with 160mm Warm Bore for Magnet Separation, Plasma Science and Technology,  Vol.10, No.5,   2008  p.6298-634 

  4、EAST技术诊断系统监控子系统分析和设计,计算机工程, 第34卷,第12期,2008年  p.212-214 

  5、三维齐次边界抛物型方程的新型交替方向差分格式,水动力学研究与进展,第23卷,第4期, 2008年   p.393-403 

  6、GSI收集环二极磁体实验的数值模拟计算,超导技术,第36卷,第6期,  2008年   p.12-14转69 

  7、Electromagnetic calculation and plasma leakage rate analysis of the magnetically confined plasma rocket, Plasma Science and Technology,   Vol.10, No.2  2008   p.211-215 

  8、磁约束等离子体推进器磁体系统的电磁力和机械应力分析,超导技术, 第36卷,第5期, 2008年   p.34-39 


  1.Design of the CAS-LIBB Single-Ion Microbeam Endstation II, Plasma Science and Technology  Vol.10, No.4   2008  p.512-515 

  2.Dosimetric Analyses of Single Particle Microbeam in Cell Irradiation Experiment,Plasma Science and Technology   Vol.10, No.6   2008   p.764-768 

  3.Characterizations and molecular mapping of a novel dominant emi-dwarf gene Sdd(t) in rice (Oryza sativa) …,Plant Breeding  Vol.127,  2008  p.125-130

  4.Characterization of a novel fungal chitosanase Csn2 from Gongronella sp.JG…Carbohydrate Research  Vol.343 2008  p.2583-2588 

  5.Analysis of a Partial Male-Sterile Mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana Isolated from a Low-Energy Argon Ion Beam Mutagenized Pool,Plasma Science and Technology  Vol.10, No.2   2008  p.265-269 

  6.Ar+诱变拟南芥雄性不育材料花器官表型分析及小孢子发生细胞形态学观察……激光生物学报    Vo1.17 No.1   2008   p.70-74 

  7.聚二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵与Fe3O4复配去除淡水藻华的研究*……环境污染与防治  第 9 期  2008 年 

  8.Plasma-Induced Synthesis of Organic Compounds From Graphite and Aqueous Solution……Plasma Chem Plasma Process Vol.28  2008  p.593–599 

  9.枯草芽孢杆菌JA产生的脂肽类抗生素一iturin A的纯化及电喷雾质谱鉴定……微生物学报   Vol. 48 No.1  2008   p.1-5  

  10.枯草芽孢杆菌JA脂肽类及挥发性物质抑菌效应的研究……微生物学通报,Vol. 35 No.1  2008  p.1-4  

  11.Antagonistic effects of volatiles generated by Bacillus subtilis on spore germination and hyphal growth of the plant pathogen, Botrytis cinerea……Biotechnol Letter Vol. 30  2008  p.919-923 

  12.Isolation and characterization of lipopeptide antibiotics produced by Bacillus subtilis……Applied Microbiology   Vol. 47  2008  p. 180–186 

  13.高效液相色谱-电喷雾质谱法分离和鉴别枯草芽孢杆菌产生的脂肽类化合物……色谱 V01.26 No.3  2008  p.343-347 

  14.Breeding of Coenzyme Q10 Produced Strain by Low-Energy Ion Implantation and Optimization of Coenzyme Q10 Fermentation∗……Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.10, No.6  2008  p.758-763 

  15. Production, purification and characterization of chitosanase produced by Gongronella sp. JG……Applied Microbiology  Vol.46  2008  p. 49–54 

  16.水稻植株高矮突变系材料的株高性状与产量等相关性分析……原子核物理评论  Vol.25, No.2  2008  p.75-79 

  17.氮离子束与  射线辐照日本晴和“93 1 1”水稻突变体库的筛选…核农学报   Vol.22, No.4  2008  p.389-393 

  18.直播水稻皖稻143选育及推广应用……安徽在学通报  Vol.14, No.1  2008  p.133-135 

  19.Plant height revertants of Dominant Semidwarf mutant rice created by low-energy ion irradiation……Nuclear Instruments and Methods in PhysicsResearch B  Vol.26  2008  p.1099-1104 

  20.不同氮源对蛋白核小球藻生长色素和中性脂肪积累的影响……激光生物学报   Vo1.17  No.2  2008  p.197-201 

  21.高分子复配材料对不同形态氮素溶出特性的影响……安徽农业科学, Vo1.36  No.15  2008  p.6392-6393转6417 

  22.水稻种胚脂肪氧化酶Lox一1,Lox一2缺失对种子储藏特性的影响…激光生物学报  Vol.l7  No.3  2008  p.395-399 

  23.低能离子诱导拟南芥基因组不稳定性的研究……原子核物理评论   Vol.25  No.2  2008  p.95-99 

  24.Enhancement of L(+)-Lactic Acid Production of Immbilized Rhizopus Oryzae Implanted by Ion Beams……Plasma Science and Technology  Vol.10, No.1  2008  p.115-119 

  25.CAS—LIBB单离子束模拟检测系统的分析与设计…核电子学与探测技术   第28卷第4期  2008  p.683-686 

  26.控制与检测单离子束电路的分析与设计…核电子学与探测技术   第28卷第3期  2008   p.474-485 

  27.单离子束能量稳定性的改进…核技术   Vol. 31, No.5  2008 p.340-343 

  28.Analysis and Optimization of Stability of CAS-LIBB Single Ion Microbeam,Plasma Science and Technology,   Vol.10, No.5   2008   p.651-654 

  29.Improvement of the Energy Stability of the Single Ion Microbeam……Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.10, No.2   2008   p.251-253 

  30.磁控复配物强化一级处理生活污水的研究……工业水处理   第28 卷第2 期  2008 年   p.36-38 

  31.Arsenite-Induced Germline Apoptosis through a MAPK-Dependent,p53-independent Pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans…Chemical Research in Toxicology  Vol.21  2008   p. 1530–1535 

  32.Cadmium-Induced Germline Apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans: The Roles of HUS1, p53, and MAPK Signaling Pathways…Toxicological Sciences  Vol.102, No.2   2008   p.345-351 

  33. Enhanced radiation damage in irradiated and non-irradiated bystander regions by co-exposure to myosmine…Mutation Research   Vol.672  2009   p. 60–64 

  34.Impact of Bacillus subtilis JA, a biocontrol strain of fungal plant pathogens, on arbuscular mycorrhiza formation in Zea mays…World J Microbiol Biotechnol   Vol.24  2008   p. 1133–1137 

  35.Mitochondria-dependent signalling pathway are involved in the early process of radiation-induced bystander effects……British Journal of Cancer   Vol. 98  2008   p.1839 – 1844 

  36.Radiation-induced bystander effects enhanced by elevated sodium chloride through sensitizing cells to bystander factors…Mutation Research   Vol.644   2008   p.43-47 

  37.砷酸钠对秀丽线虫生殖细胞周期停滞和细胞凋亡的作用研究……癌变畸变突变论著  第20 卷  第2期  2008   p.131-134 

  38.Optimization of L(+)-Laxtic Acid Fermentation Without Neutralisation of Rhizopus Oryzae Mutant RK02 by Low-Energy Ion Implantation……Plasma Science and Technology  Vol.10, No.2  2008  p.260-264 

  39.Coproduction of microbiodiesel and arachidonic acid from microbial oil,International Conference on Biomass Energy Technologies   December3-5,2008  Guangzhou China 

  40.生物表面活性剂sufactin的分离纯化及理化性质研究,第五届全国化学工程与生物化工年会  2008年 陕西 


  1.Development of an IMFIT particle transport module and modeling of tokamak particle transport, 50th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society  Nov.17-21, 2008  Dallas,Texas 

  2.Explicit runge-kutta integrator with hamiltonian correction for long-time simulations of guiding-center orbit in tokamak configurations, Physics of Plasma  Vol.15 2008  p.12511(4pp) 

  3.The effect of collisional dissipation on the radial profiles of current drien by the lower-hybrid waves, Physics of Plasma  Vol.15 2008  p.062504(3pp) 

  4.Damping effects of finite parallel thermal conductivity, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion  Vol.50  2008  p.095006(7pp) 

  5.Modeling of momentum transport in DIII-D dischaiges with and without MHD activity ,4th US-PRC Magnetic Fusion Collaboration Workshop Austin, Texas May 5-6, 2008 

  6.Tokamk plasma equilibria with a zero total toroidal current,Physics of Plasma  Vol.15 2008  p.022505(10pp) 

  7.Ideal MHD stability of double transport barrier plasma in DIII-D, Nuclear Fusion  Vol.48   2008  p.015001(7pp) 

  8.Modeling of EAST with LHRF and NBI, JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar on Production and Control of High Performance Plasmas with Advanced Plasma Heating and Diagnostic systems, China, Yunnan Lijiang, 4-7, November  2008 


  1、Steady-state plasma-wall interaction in tokamaks: new challenge for both experimental and simulation efforts, 9th International Conferences on Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids, China, Beijing,12-17, October,  2008  

  2、Recent experiments towards to the steady-state operation in the EAST and HT-7 superconducting tokamaks (invited talk)…18th International Toki Conference   December 9-12, 2008 Ceratopia Toki, Toki Gifu JAPAN  2008

  3、Recent experiments in the EAST and HT-7 superconducting tokamaks(Overview talk)   22th IAEA FEC  2008

  4、Particle confinement and transport coefficients in ac plasmas on the HT-7superconducting tokamak, Nuclear Fusion  Vol.48, No.3  2008  p.035009(5pp)

  5、Calibration of an electron cyclotron emission diagnostic system and electron temperature measurements on HT-7tokamak, Measurement Science and Technology  Vol.19  No. 7  2008  p.075701(6pp) 

  6、Diagnostics for first plasma study on EAST tokamak, Phsics Letters A  Vol.372  2008   p.2286~2290

  7、Study of confinement and LHCD efficiency on the HT-7 tokamak, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion  Vol.50, No.3  2008  p.035006(8pp) 

  8、1.54 THZ激光成像实验与物质穿透特性,强激光与离子束 第20卷 第9期 2008年 p.1-4 

  9、ICRF wall conditioning and plasma performance on EAST, 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, Toledo, Spain, 26~30,May,2008 

  10、Experimental Progress of Long Pulse and LHCD Discharges on HT-7, 2nd China-Japan CUP on Prodution and Control of High Performance Plasmas with Adanced Plasma Heating and Diagnostic Systems  4-7, November  Yunnan  2008 

  11、Experimental Study of Novel Mixture Gas for a DCN Laser, China-UK/Europe Workshop on Millimetre Waves and Terahertz Technologies, 20th-22th, October 2008 

  12、Overview of EAST experiments, X.Gao for EAST Team安徽省核学会第六届会员代表大会暨2008年学术年会,2008年4月26-27日 

  13、Overview of HT-7 and EAST experiments,第106期东方科技论坛, 1月 5-6日,  2008 

  14、Design and Construction of Vacuum Control System on EAST, Fusion  Ensgineering and Design Vol.83,  2008:  p.295~299 

  15、Multipulse Nd:YAG Laser Thomson Scattering Diagnostics on HT-7 Tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology   Vol.10, No.1  2008  p.13-17 

  16、Energy Confinement and High-k Turbulence on HT-7 Tokamak, Phsics Letters A  Vol.372  2008  p. 4705~4708 

  17、On the observation of small scale turbulence on HT-7 tokamak, 14th International Congress on Plasma Physics   8~12,September  2008   Fukuoka  Japan  

  18、Particles behavior in quasi-steady-state ac plasmas on HT-7 tokamak, JSPS-CAS Core University Program Workshop, 8~12,September 2008 

  19、低杂波电流驱动下HT-7超导托卡马克逃逸电子行为研究,强激光与离子束..第20卷 第9期  2008年  p. 5747~5750 

  20、Mitigation of Current Quench by Runaway Electrons in LHCD Discharges in the HT-7 Tokamak ,China-Japan CUP-CAS on PWI/PFC and Fusion Technologies.  27-29 October,  2008  Huangshan 

  21、EAST全超导托卡马克不同放电阶段逃逸电子产生机制研究,中国物理年会秋季学术会议  2008年 

  22、EAST欧姆放电等离子体行为研究,原子能科学技术  第43卷,第1期  2009  p.23-27 

  23、ECR Discharge Cleaning Using 2.45 GHz RF Waves on HT-7 Tokamak ,18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, Toledo, Spain, 26~30,May,2008 

  24、The Influence of Wall Conditionings on Hydrogen Evolution and Removal on EAST, China-Japan CUP-CAS on PWI/PFC and Fusion Technologies.  27-29 October,  2008  Huangshan 

  25、Real-time measurements for edge plasma parameters using triple probes on EAST ,Physica Scripta  Vol.78  2008  p.035501(5pp) 

  26、HT-7电子加热实验的软X 射线能谱诊断,核聚变与等离子体物理  第28卷 第3期  2008  p.150-153 

  27、HCN Laser Interferometer on the EAST Superconducting Tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology   Vol.10  No.4  2008.. p.519-521 

  28、Long Pulse and High Power LHCD Plasmas on HT-7 Tokamak ,14th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP)  2008 

  29、The Spectroscopic Systems for the Study of Light Impurity Particle Transport in the HT-7 Tokamak,Plasma Science and Technology Vol.9, No.1  2007  p.23-29 

  30、Primary investigation of power exhaust capability of the belt limiter in HT-7, JSPS-CAS Core University Program Workshops: Symposium on PWI/PFC and Fusion Technologies,  2008 

  31、Boronization during the first plasma operation on EAST, Journal of Physics Conference Series  Vol.100  2008 

  32、Vacuum operation of first divertor campaign on EAST, Journal of Physics Conference Series  Vol.100,  2008 

  33、Study of impurity behaviour in ac plasma on the HT-7 Tokamak, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion  Vol.50  2008  p. 115003(8pp) 

  34、HT-7装置软X射线诊断系统及锯齿行为研究,核聚变与等离子体物理   第28卷 第2期  2008  p.105-110 

  35、Study on thermal behavior of W/Cu PFCs with exposure to HHF e-beams and HT-7 long pulse plasmas, 9th China-Japan Symposium(CJS-9)on Materials for Advanced Energy Systems and Fission & Fusion Engineering jointed with CAS-JSPS Core-university Program Seminar on Fusion Materials, System and Design Integration, 23-26, October,  2007 

  36、Molecular dynamics simulation of low-energy atomic hydrogen on tungsten Surfac, Symposium(CJS-9)on Materials for Advanced Energy Systems and Fission & Fusion Engineering jointed with CAS-JSPS Core-university Program Seminar on Fusion Materials, System and Design Integration, 23-26, October  2007 

  37、Study on C-W interactions by molecular dynamics simulation, the 9th conference in a series of international conferences on Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids, 12-17, October,   2008 

  38、Atomistic calculation of interaction between low-energy carbon and tungsten, JSPS-CAS Core University Program Workshops, 27-29, October  2008  Bejing

  39、Vacuum and wall conditioning system on EAST in the Exp´2008, JSPS-CAS Core University Program Workshops, China, huangshan, 27-29 October   2008  Huangshan 

  40、Campaign integrated dust and erosion – EAST ,11th ITPA-SOL/DIV meeting  Japan, Nagasaki, 15-18, September,  2008   

  41、H2 level on EAST with full carbon walls, 11th ITPA-SOL/DIV meeting Japan, Nagasaki, 15-18, September,  2008 

  42、Comparison of O-ICR wall conditionings for limiter configuration in HT-7 and divertor one in EAST, 18th Plasma and Surface Interaction  Conference, Spain, Toledo, May  2008 

  43、Plasma recovery after various events in HT-7 superconducting tokamak, Fusion Engineering and Design  Vol.83, 2008: P689-694 

  44、He–ICR cleanings on full metallic walls in EAST full superconducting tokamak,Journal of Nuclear Materials  Vol.376, 2008: P207-210 

  45、Cross-field Transport Driven by Turbulent Scattering of Particles in Tokamaks, 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Confernce, Geneva, 13-18, October,   2008 

  Application of a 16-channel heterodyne ECE diagnostic on HT-7 Tokamak, China-UK/Europe Workshop on Millimetre Waves and Terahertz Technologies   China ChengDu   20th-22th October  2008      

  48、HT-7装置MHD的实时检测与控制,核聚变与等离子体物理  第28 卷 第4 期  2008年  p.150-153 

  49、Improvement of Divertor Probes on EAST, China-Japan CUP-CAS Symposium on PWI/PFC and Fusion Technologies, 27-29, October 

  50、Recent Progresses in PFMC on EAST,PSI-18 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions, Toledo, Spain,   26-30 May,   2008 

  51、Behavior of Tungsten with Exposure to Deuterium Plasmas,9th International Conferences on Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids, China, Beijing,12-17, October,  2008  

  52、Project of Tungsten Plasma-facing Materials and Components for EAST,JSPS-CAS Core University Program Workshops Symposium on PWI/PFC and Fusion Technologies, China Huangshan, 27-29, October,  2008  

  53、Application of Infrared Thermography in NDT of Plasma-Facing Components for Tokamaks…17th World Congress of Non-Destructive Testing, China Shanghai, 25 –28 October,  2008 

  54、Experimental progress on the EAST superconductor tokamak, JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar on Production and Control of High Performance Plasmas with Advanced Plasma Heating and Diagnostic systems, China, Yunnan Lijiang, 4-7, November 

  55、Numerical analysis of the neutral beam attenuation rate on the HT-7 and EAST tokamak, Journal of Plasma Physics  Vol.74,  2008…p.9-19 

  56、诊断中性束在合肥托卡马克等离子体中的衰减计算,核技术  第30卷 第12期  2007年 

  57、Analysis of Dα(Hα) spectrum emitted in front of the limiter in HT-7, Chinese Physics B   Vol.17 No.12   2008   p.1674-1056 

  58、Fabrication and plasma exposure of fine-grained tungsten/copper functionally graded materials in the HT-7 tokamak, Fusion Science and Technology,  Vol.53  2008  p.854-859 

  59、Heat transfer analysis of two kinds of mechanically jointed GBST1308/CuCrZr plasma facing comonents of EAST, Plasma Science and Technology,   Vol.10, No.5  2008   p.525-528 

  60、Heat load behaviors of plasma sprayed tungsten coatings on copper alloys with different compliant layers, Journal of Nuclear Materials  Vol.375, No.5   2008   p.213-217 

  61、Primary research of heat flux deposition pattern on the surface of HT-7 movable limiter, Fusion Science and Technology , Vol.83  2008 p.1-5 

  62、Simulation study of heat flux deposition pattern on the surface of HT-7 toroidal limiters, Plasma Science and Technology,  Vol.10, No.2  2008  p.148-150 

  63、Influence of long-term plasma irradiation on metallic first mirrors in HT-7 tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology,  Vol.10, No.4  2008   p.412-415 

  64、ERO modelling of hydrocarbon transport and light emission and comparison with gas inlet injection experiments at TEXTOR, China-Japan CUP-CAS Symposium on PWI/PFC and Fusion Technologies,  Anhui Huangshan, 27-29, October,   2008  


  1、Rtefit‖soflux plasma shape control on EAST tokamak, JSPS-CAS CUP Seminar on Production and Control of High Performance Plasmas with Advanced Plasma Heating and Diagnostic systems, China, Yunnan, Lijiang, 4 - 7 November, 2008 

  2、EAST plasma control system, Fusion Engineering and Design,  Vol.83  2008   p.181–187 

  3、Plasma shape control on EAST, DennisMueller Seminar on Production and Control of High Performance Plasmas with Advanced Plasma Heating and Diagnostic systems, 4 - 7 November, 2008, Lijiang Yunnan, China 

  4、Vertical Instability in EAST: Comparison of Model Predictions with Experimental Results, Plasma Science and Technology, vol. 10, No.3,  2008   p.290-293 

  5、Equilibrium reconstructio of plasma profiles based on soft x-ray imaging in DIII-D  ,Nuclear Fusion   Vol.49,  2009…p.025003(8pp) 

  6、Obserbation of poloidal current flowed to the vessel after failure of vertical position feedback control in EAST Tokamak, Chinese Physics B, vol. 18, No.3,   2009 

  7、基于支持向量机的肤色检测,计算机工程与设计,第29卷,第10期,2008 年   p.2600-2603 

  8、肤色信息马氏图的RBPNN人脸识别,光电工程,第35卷,第3期,2008 年  p.131-135 

  9、基于区域混合投影和支持向量机的人脸检测与定位,系统仿真学报,第20卷,第15期,2008年  p.4031-4035转4040 

  10、基于主动轮廓模型的EAST等离子体边界重建,核聚变与等离子体物理,第28卷,第4期, 2008年   p.309-312 

  11、EAST安全巡检与联索保护系统设计与实现,核技术,第30卷,第4期, 2008年  p.293-297 

  12、EAST中央控制系统,核聚变与等离子体物理,第28卷,第4期, 2008年   

  13、EAST托卡马克实时数据系统,计算机工程  第34 卷,第19期, 2008年   p.15-17 

  14、EAST数据采集控制系统,计算机工程,第34卷,第14期, 2008年   p.30 

  15、基于LabVIEW的EAST纵场电流实时测控系统,计算机测量与控制, 第16卷,第6 期,2008年   p.754-756 

  16、基于SISOTOOL的EAST子系统PID整定方法,微计算机信息, 第24卷,第8-1期,  2008年  p.27-29 

  17、EAST托卡马克极向场系统控制器参数整定,计算机测量与控制,  第16卷,第6期,  2008年   p.790-793 

  18、Modelling of first discharge in EAST tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology,   Vol.10, No.1  2008   p.8-12 

  19、基于软件过程的需求管理系统,计算机工程与应用  第44期(专刊) , 2008年  p.111-114 

  20、基于肤色马氏距离图的人脸检测,微计算机信息,  第24卷,第6-1期,  2008 年   p.268-269转306 

  21、基于DirectShow的人脸快速检测系统实现,电视技术,第32卷,第8期,  2008年   p.88-90 


  1、OPC在EAST低温控制系统中的应用,微计算机信息, 第24卷,第3-1期  2008年  p.12-13接91

  2、低温阀门冷态试验的稳态传热模拟与分析,低温技术  第36卷,第6期, 2008年  p.22-25

  3、用DCS实现EAST低温系统的信号联锁保护,微计算机信息,第24卷,第6-1期, 2008年  p.30-32

  4、低温氦透平膨胀机转子临界转速求解,低温工程,第5期, 2008年  p.23-34

  5、低温温度计标定装置中测量引线传热分析,低温技术,第36卷,第7期, 2008年  p.9-11


  1.Low Molecular Mass Organogelator Based Gel Electrolyte with Effective Charge Transport Property for Long-Term Stable Quasi-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, J. Phys. Chem. B.;  Vol. 112,  2008   p. 12927-12933, 

  2.Influence of 1-methylbenzimidazole interactions with Li+ and TiO2 on the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells, Electrochimica Acta,  Vol. 53, No. 17, 2008,   p.5503-5508 

  3. The design and outdoor application of dye-sensitized solar cells, Inorganica Chimica Acta  Vol. 361,No.3,  2008,  p.786-791 

  4. 染料敏化太阳电池中TiO2膜内电子传输和背反应特性研究,物理学报   Vo1.57,No.3  2008  p.1956-1962, 

  5. 利用强度调制光电流谱研究TiO2薄膜中染料不均匀分布现象,高等学校化学学报   Vol.29,No.2  2008   p. 346-349, 

  6. 染料敏化太阳电池电解质,化学进展,Vol. 20, No.10,  2008  p. 1595-1605 

  7. 纳米TiO2多孔薄膜电极平带电势的研究,物理学报,Vol.57, No.8,   2008.  p.5130-5135 

  8. Phase ordering and crystallization kinetics in ultrathin poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(methyl methacrylate) blend films,Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B:Physics,  Vol.47,  2008  p.1008-1016 

  9. Temperature-Induced Pattern Transition in Crystallizing Ultrathin Polymer Films, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B:Physics,  Vol.47,  2008  p. 401-408 

  10.暗电流抑制剂对染料敏化太阳电池光伏性能的影响,第十届中国太阳能光伏会议论文集,杨德仁,汪雷主编  常州,9月19-22日  2008  p.643-P645 

  11.内部串联阻抗对大面积染料敏化太阳电池性能的影响,第十届中国太阳能光伏会议论文集,杨德仁,汪雷主编,常州,9月19-22日,2008  p.643-P645 

  12. 面积染料敏化太阳电池中染料吸附的优化,分子催化,第22卷 增刊  2008   

  13.致密层的引入对DSC性能影响的IMPS/IMVS研究,分子催化,第22卷 增刊  2008   

  14.染料敏化太阳电池吸收系数和电子寿命对电池电流的影响,分子催化,第22卷 增刊  2008   


  16. 锐钛矿相纳米TiO2晶体生长研究,第七届中国国际纳米科技研讨会,武汉,2008,10,23-27. 


  1、Design of a TE10 Taper Used in the LHCD Launcher for EAST,Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.10, No.4, 2008   p.499-502 

  2、边界高密度下低杂波耦合的数值模拟,核聚变与等离子体物理  第27卷,第4期,  2007年   

  3、基于EAST装置上的液态调配器系统的研究,原子能科学技术  第42卷,第8期, 2008年  

  4、EAST离子回旋共振加热系统上基于PLC的阳极电源控制保护系统,电气应用   第27卷,第17期, 2008年 

  5、The current control of steady state plasma in TRIAM-1M and HT-7, Fusion Engineering and Dsign,   Vol.83  2008   p.211-214 

  6、定向耦合器测量高功率微波的误差分析,核电子学与探测技术,第27卷 增刊, 2007年 

  7、快波模式转换电子加热, 核聚变与等离子体物理,第28卷,第4期   2008年  p.150-154 

  8、The data acquisition and processing of lower hybrid wave phase based on FPGA and QNX neutrino realtime operation system, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation,  China, Zhangjiajie, 20 -23, June,  2008 

  9、Coupling LHW Power to Plasma by Gas Puffing in HT-7, 35th Europe Physical Society Conference Hersonissos, Crete , Greece, 9-13, June ,   2008  


  1、V6155的原理应用,微计算机信息,第23卷,第2-2期,2007年  p.288-289 

  2、感应耦合等离子体增强射频磁控溅射沉积ZrN薄膜及其性能研究,物理学报,第57卷,第3期,  2008年:p.1796-1801 

  3、Microstructure, Hardness and Corrosion Resistance of ZrN Films Prepared By Inductively Coupled Plasma Enhanced RF Magnetron Sputtering, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.10, No.2,   2008  p.170-175 

  4、Surface modification of nanometre silicon carbide powder with polystyrene by inductively coupled plasma, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.10, No.1,   2008  p.78-82 

  5、Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of CrN Films Deposited by Inductively Coupled Plasma Enhanced Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering, Plasma science and Technology, Vol.10, No.3, 2008  p.340-343 

  6、pH值和离子强度对放射性核素镍在MX-80黏土上的吸附影响和模型研究,中国科学B:化学,第38卷,2008年   p.1025-1034 

  7、Synthesis of proton-exchange membranes by a plasma polymerization technique,Japanese Journal of Appied Physics,  Vol. 47, No. 8,   2008   p.6891-6895 

  8、Bacterial inactivation by atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge plasma jet,  Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 47, No. 8,   2008   p.7009-7012 

  9、Removal of chromium from aqueous solution by using oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.162,   2009   p.1542-1550 

  10、Sorption of Eu(III) on humic acid or fulvic acid bound to alumina studied by SEM-EDS, XPS, TRLFS and batch techniques, Environmental Science and Technology,  Vol.40,  2008   p. 6532-6537 

  11、Counterion effects of Ni2+ and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate adsorption to multiwalled carbon nanotubes in aqueous solution, Carbon,  Vol.46,  2008   p.1741-1750 

  12、Preparation of TiO2/multiwalled carbon nanotube composites and its application in photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) study, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,   Vol. 8,   2008   p.1-8 

  13、Surface complexation modeling of Sr(II) and Eu(III) adsorption onto oxidized multiwall carbon nanotubes, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,   Vol.323,  2008   p.33-41 

  14、Sorption of Th(IV) on Na-rectorite: effect of HA, ionic strength, foreign ions and temperature, Applied Geochemistry,    Vol.22,  2007   p.2892-2906. 

  15、Removal of Pb(Ⅱ) from aqueous solution by using oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.154,    2008   p.407-416 

  16、Adsorption and desorption of Ni2+ on Na-montmorillonite: Effect of pH, ionic strength, fulvic acid, humic acid and addition sequences, Applied Clay Science,  Vol.39,  2008  p.133-141 

  17、Sorption of Pb(II) on Na-rectorite: Effects of pH, ionic strength, temperature, soil humic acid and fulvic acid. Colloid Surface A.,  Vol.328,  2008   p.8-14 

  18、Sorption properties of Th(IV) on the raw diatomite—effect of contact time, ionic strength and temperature, Applied Radiation Isotopes,   Vol.66,   2008   p.1313-1320 

  19、Adsorption of Pb(II) from aqueous solution to MX-80 bentonite : Effect of pH, ionic strength, foreign ions and temperature, Applied Clay Science,   Vol.41,   2008  p.37-46 

  20、Photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) in solution containing ZnO or ZSM-5 zeolite using oxalate as model organic compound in environment,Microporous and Mesoporous Material,   Vol.117,  2008  p.243-248 

  21、Sorption of Ni2+ on Na-rectorite studied by batch and spectroscopy methods, Applied Geochemistry,  Vol.23,  2008   p. 2767-2777 

  22、Comparison of Ni2+ sorption to bare and ACT-graft attapulgites: effect of pH, temperature and foreign ions, Surface Science,   Vol.602,  2008   p.778-785 

  23、Characterization of Lin’an montmorillonite and its application in the removal of Ni2+ from aqueous solutions, Radiochimica Acta,   Vol.96,   2008  p.487-495 

  24、Adsorption and kinetic desorption study of 152+154Eu(III) on multiwall carbon nanotubes from aqueous solution by using chelating resin and XPS methods, Radiochimica Acta,  Vol.96,  2008  p. 23-29 

  25、 A Comparative study of Pb2+ sorption onto MX-80 bentonite, LA bentonite, g-Al2O3 and SiO2. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,   Vol.272, No.1,  2007  p.3-10 


  1、Comparison Analysis of 1D/2D/3D Neutronics Modeling for a Fusion Reactor,Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.83,    2008  p.1678-1682 

  2、Realization and comparison of several regression algorithms for electron energy spectrum reconstruction, Chinese physics letter,  Vol.25, No.7,   2008   p.2710-2713 

  3、A high temperature blanket concept for hydrogen production, Fusion Engineering and Design,  Vol.83,  2008  p.903-911 

  4、Analysis of MHD Pressure Drop in Liquid LiPb Flow in Chinese ITER DFLL-TBM with Insulating Coating, Plasma Science and Technology,  Vol.10, No.4 ,  2008  p.494-498 

  5、Development of Accurate/Advanced Radiotherapy Treatment Planning and Quality Assurance System (ARTS), Chinese Physics C (HEP & NP),  Vol.32(Suppl. II),   2008  p.1-6 

  6、Conceptual design of the China fusion power plant FDS-II, Fusion Engineering and Design,  Vol.83,  2008  p.1683–1689 

  7、聚变堆增值包层概念特征比较研究,核科学与工程, 第28卷,第3期,  2008年  p.249-255 

  8、聚变堆液态金属锂铅包层多功能涂层研发,核科学与工程, 第28卷,第3期,  2008年  p.256-262 

  9、ITER中国液态锂铅试验包层模块第一壁等离子体注入氚滞留分析核科学与工程, 第28卷,第3期,  2008年  p.263-267 

  10、计算机技术在聚变堆设计研究中的应用,第十四届全国核电子学与核探测技术学术年会, 乌鲁木齐7月15-20日, 2008年  

  11、中国液态锂铅热对流实验回路DRAGON-I温度场合速度场数值模拟分析,核科学与工程,第28卷,第2期,  2008年   p.172-175 

  12、RiskA事件树模型转换模块的研发,核科学与工程,第28卷,第2期,  2008年  p.176-179转187 

  13、ITER双功能液态锂铅实验包层系统故障模式影响分析,核科学与工程,第28卷,第2期,  2008年  167-171 

  14、利用ITER基准模型对MCAM4.2进行检验(I),核科学与工程, 第28卷,第1期,  2008年   p.47-50转65 

  15、聚变高温制氢反应堆概念设计研究,核科学与工程,第28卷,第1期,  2008年   p.81-82 

  16、HT-7 超导托卡马克辐射剂量的实时监测及分析,中华放射医学与防护杂志,第28卷,第1期,  2008年:P 81-82 

  17、核电厂PSA中事故序列后果分析方法研究,原子能科学技术,第42卷,第8期,  2008年  724-780 

  18、核电站实时风险管理系统部件重要度计算方法研究,核科学与工程, 第28卷,第1期,  2008年:P61-65 

  19、Edge Plasma Modelling for Transport Analysis on JT-60U Tokamak, 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions, Spain, Toledo, 26-30, May 2008 

  20、Preliminary Safety Analysis for the Chinese ITER Dual-Functional Lithium-Lead Test Blanket Module, 22th International Atomic Energy Agency Fusion Energy Conference, Switzerland , Geneva 13-18, October ,  2008  

  21、The Fusion-Fission Hybrid Reactor for Energy Production: A Practical Path to Fusion Application, 22th International Atomic Energy Agency Fusion Energy Conference, Switzerland , Geneva 13-18, October ,  2008  

  22、 A New Ordering Heuristic based on ZBDD’s Cutoff Strategies, 9th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, China , Hong Kong, 18-23, May,  2008 

  23、A new method for evaluating AOT and STI in the optimization of technical specifications, 9th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, China , Hong Kong, 18-23, May,   2008 

  24、Bidirectional Conversion Between CAD Model and Tripoli Model: an Extending Function of MCAM, International Conference on Reactor Physics, Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource Casino-Kursaal Conference Center(PHYSOR 08), Switzerland Interlaken, 14-19,September, 2008 

  25、Influence of Non-metal Inclusions on Mechanical Properties of CLAM Steel, 。25th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-25), Germany, Rostock , 15-19,September  2008  

  26、A Monte Carlo Interstitial Brachytherapy Study for AAPM TG-43 Dose Calculation Formalism in Heterogeneous Media,。2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering(ICBBE), China , Shanghai, 16-18, May,   2008 

  27、Electron Spectrum Reconstruction as Nonlinear Programming Model Using Micro-Adjusting Depth Algorithm, the Seventh Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering(APCMBE), China , Beijing, 22-25, April ,    2008 

  28、Three CAD-based Interface Programs for Fusion Application, 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-25), Germany , Rostock, 15-19, September  2008 

  29、Study on Welding Techniques of CLAM for the Test Blanket Module, the 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-25), Germany , Rostock, 15-19, September ,   2008  

  30、Ripple Effect and Impact of Test Blanket Module by Using RAFM Steel on the Plasma of ITER, 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-25), Germany, Rostock, 15-19, September,  2008 

  31、Preliminary Experiment and Analysis on Compatibility of SiCf/SiC Composites with Static Liquid LiPb at 973K, 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-25), Germany, Rostock, 15-19, September,  2008 

  32、Progress in Compatibility Experiments on Lithium-Lead with Candidate Structural Materials for Fusion in China, 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-25), Germany, Rostock, 15-19, September,  2008 

  33、Analysis on Tritium Controlling of the Dual-Cooled Lithium Lead Blanket for Fusion Power Reactor FDS-II, FDS Team   25th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-25), Rostock, 15-19, September,  2008 

  34、核电站风险监测器软件系统研发进展,核能概率安全评价研讨会,11月6日 中国,深圳  2008年  

  35、大型集成概率安全分析软件系统的研究进展,核能概率安全评价研讨会,11月6日 中国,深圳  2008年 

  36、概率安全分析软件RiskA非逻辑处理模块研发,核能概率安全评价研讨会,11月6日 中国,深圳  2008年 


  1、Analysis of Magnetic Field of the DNB Ion Source Wang Sahohu  Plasma Science and Technology  Vol.10, No.4  2008  p.522-524 

  2、Experiment of Diagnosis Neutral Beam on HT-7 superconducting Tokamak Plasma Science and Technology   Vol.10, No.6  2008  p.690-693 

  3、Using Adaptive Discrete-Time Gas Supply Control for Long Pulse Arc Discharge of Ion Source, Plasma Science and Technology   Vol.10, No.5  2008  p.635-639 

  4、Discharge simulation of EAST first plasma, 35th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 9-13, June, ECA Vol.32D, 2008 

  5、The Economic Analysis of the Compact Fusion-Fission Hybrid Reactor, Physical Society Confernce on Plasma,   9th China Japan Symposium on Meterials for Advabnced Energy Systems and Fission & Fusion Engineering  Guilin China 23-26 October, 2007 

  6、Modelling of First Discharge in EAST Tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology,  Vol.10, No.1  Febuary, 2008  p.8-12 

  7、诊断中性束装置束品质评价系统,第十四届全国核电子学与核探测技术学术年会, 2008年 

  8、诊断中性束电源的数据采集与处理系统,电子学与探测技术,第27卷,第6期, 2007年 

  9、紧凑型聚变裂变混合堆参数优化及放电模拟核聚变与等离子体物理,第28卷,第3期,   2008年 

  10、中性束束流品质对偏转系统窗口设计的影响,强激光与粒子束, 第20卷,第5期,  2008年 

  11、二维X射线弯晶谱仪在EAST装置上的应用,第十四届全国核电子学与核探测技术学术年会, 2008年 

  12、基于静电探针测量对双潘宁离子源的弧特性研究,核电子学与探测技术,第27卷,第5期,  2007年 

  13、闭环控制在离子源放电实验中的应用,核电子学与探测技术,第27卷,第6期, 2007年 


  1.异形管两辊双道次成型过程研究,轧钢  第25卷  第1期  2008  p.27-30

  2.CICC导体轧制过程有限元模拟,核聚变与等离子体物理  第28卷  第1期  2008  p.77-80

  3.超导磁体检漏真空室的设计与优化,低温技术  第36卷  第10期  2008  p.23-25接50