10月9日 五室第169期研讨会
文章来源: 发布时间: 2021-10-08

109 五室第169期研讨会


  : Approach to nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic simulations in stellarator geometry

报告人:周尧 副教授(上海交通大学)

主持人:于治 副研究员

时 间: 2021109日(星期六)900 AM

地 点: EAST控制大厅3楼会议室  

摘 要:

The capability to model the nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) evolution of stellarator plasmas is developed by extending the M3D-C1 code to allow non-axisymmetric domain geometry. We introduce a set of logical coordinates, in which the computational domain is axisymmetric, to utilize the existing finite-element framework of M3D-C1. A C1 coordinate mapping connects the logical domain to the non-axisymmetric physical domain, where we use the M3D-C1 extended MHD models essentially without modifications. We present several numerical verifications on the implementation of this approach, including simulations of the heating, destabilization, and equilibration of a stellarator plasma with strongly anisotropic thermal conductivity, and of the relaxation of stellarator equilibria to integrable and non-integrable magnetic field configurations in realistic geometries. Preliminary results from physics studies such as simulations of ECCD-induced sawtooth-like crashes on W7-X will also be presented.


周尧,上海交通大学物理与天文学院副教授,本科毕业于清华大学,2017年于美国普林斯顿大学获得等离子体物理学博士学位。20179月起在普林斯顿等离子体物理实验室任博士后研究员,20212月升任长期职位。20219月,入职上海交通大学自然科学研究院/物理与天文学院。主要研究方向为理论与计算等离子体物理,特别是三维磁流体力学。多项研究成果曾发表于 Physical Review LettersThe Astrophysical Journal 等期刊。
